Facelift For Each Decade -Which One Is Right For Your Age

Facelift For Each Decade -Which One Is Right For Your Age There are a lot of different factors that go into how you look. Besides inheriting genetic features and skin types, the pace at which your skin ages and starts to sag depends on when collagen production begins to breakdown. However, there are a number of external factors that can also take their toll on your appearance, including cigarette smoke, pollution, heavy drinking, overexposure to the sun, and even the amount of stress you are subjected to on a regular basis. Obviously, there are things you can do to combat the aging process. Based on the environmental factors mentioned above, you can try to live a healthy and active lifestyle, eat well, avoid smoking and second-hand smoke as much as possible, clean your skin regularly and use a moisturizer at night, and apply sunscreen when outdoors. Unfortunately, no matter what you do, genetics will eventually catch up to you, and you may start to see deepening lines and droopin...