Eliminate Stubborn Fat with Liposuction

Eliminate Stubborn Fat with Liposuction Working out, following a healthy diet, getting plenty of rest, avoiding smoking and excess alcohol, and trying your best to avoid stress have always been key to weight-loss programs. However, even for people who walk or run until their feet hurt and their legs ache, throw in some other cardio to mix things up and keep things interesting, and even do a little resistance training, still have problems with stubborn fat deposits. No matter how hard they try, they never seem to make any progress in reducing them. What’s the deal? The problem could be genetic, and hormones can certainly play a factor in producing those rolls. Belly fat is a natural part of the aging process for both men and women, but women tend to gain more weight, especially around the midsection of the body, after menopause. This is due to the reduction of estrogen and progesterone. Do I need to eat less? Nutritional needs also change over time. Fat stores...