Eliminate Stubborn Fat with Liposuction

Eliminate Stubborn Fat with Liposuction 


Working out, following a healthy diet, getting plenty of rest, avoiding smoking and excess alcohol, and trying your best to avoid stress have always been key to weight-loss programs. However, even for people who walk or run until their feet hurt and their legs ache, throw in some other cardio to mix things up and keep things interesting, and even do a little resistance training, still have problems with stubborn fat deposits. No matter how hard they try, they never seem to make any progress in reducing them.


What’s the deal?

The problem could be genetic, and hormones can certainly play a factor in producing those rolls. Belly fat is a natural part of the aging process for both men and women, but women tend to gain more weight, especially around the midsection of the body, after menopause. This is due to the reduction of estrogen and progesterone.


Do I need to eat less?

Nutritional needs also change over time. Fat stores are just the body’s natural defense against starvation. However, fad diets are usually not the answer and can be dangerous in some cases if you’re not getting the nutritional values that help you maintain your overall health.


So, what do I do?

One proven method for safely and effectively removing those fatty trouble spots is liposuction. This is a process where a trained surgeon makes a small incision in the area in question and uses a tool that sucks out the fat cells that won’t seem to go away on their own. Liposuction can be used for trouble spots on a number of areas on the body, including:

-       Neck

-       Abdomen

-       Hips

-       Thighs

-       Knees

-       Buttocks

-       Arms

-       Back

-       Chest (both for breast reductions in women and male gynecomastia—aka “man boobs”)

-       And ankles


What’s the full process?

Your first step should be to contact a Board-Certified plastic surgeon for a consultation. The surgeon will examine the area(s) you want to target, ask some health history questions, listen to your desires and expectations, then provide customized treatment options to achieve the results you want.


In addition to searching for a board-certified surgeon that can perform liposuction surgery in Virginia Beach, you should also look for a facility that has a surgery suite that is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).


After the surgery.

After your surgeon finishes sculpting the area in question by strategically sucking fat deposits, the incision is closed, and you can return home the same day. Most patients say the procedure is not particularly painful and that you may feel as though you have deep body bruises for three to five days.


You will also be required to wear compression garments for two to four weeks, to assist in the healing process. There may be some blood-tinged seepage from the incision site that will need to be cleaned regularly until it fully heals.


Other options.

Men and women who are looking to improve the overall appearance of their abdominal region may want to consider what is referred to as a tummy tuck. This is a procedure that uses liposuction combined with additional surgical techniques that improve or eliminate stretch marks, remove sagging skin, and/or tighten weak or bulging ab muscles to restore a nicely toned appearance.




Liposuction is a surgical technique that allows a board-certified plastic surgeon to remove stubborn fat cells that can’t be otherwise reduced through diet and exercise. It is a highly sought-after procedure because it has a high success rate and the recovery time is minimal. Contrary to popular belief, liposuction can be used on other areas of the body than just the abdomen.


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